About us
In the beginning...
Jabez Outreach Ministries, non-denomination church, was founded by Pastor Chris Stoudemire in 2009 under the Devine direction of the “Holy Spirit”. Our first meeting was held at one of pastor’s business's and formed it as a sanctuary. We moved the ministry to pastor’s home with 10 members present. Even with small beginnings, we began working hard and helping the people in the community through various programs impacting the community & abroad having an impact on the daily lives of others. The committed works “Outreach Ministries" began in ministering to teachings but also aiding those in need of food and clothing. As one of our first projects, we pulled together a community push to in the supplying food and water for the Haiti Relief Effort of 2010 partnering with local Red Cross successfully collecting two truck loads to aiding such a worthy cause.
Within the same year, our youth "Smiling Faces" program began inviting in children of all ages in the local Montgomery, AL community to come get free haircuts at Pastor Chris's then beauty salon "Special Touch Barber & Style" for back to school. In addition to haircuts, these children would be given free school supplies of book bags, paper, etc. to get geared up for their first day of school.
A program near and dear to the heart of Pastor Chris is the ministry of helping those with broken hearts, hurting men/ women, and children with our "Heart To Heart” program. As a survivor of Domestic violence Pastor Chris birthed this program due to the many woman that hide behind he veil of pain, fear, and have lost faith in the promises of God. There are so many hurting everyday with no direction of where to go and carrying shame of telling someone they need help. Learning to take back their lives, gain self -esteem, and moving forward.
In the years to follow, Jabez Outreach ministries continued global relationships joining forces with Jabez Riveride Rianyamwamu (JRR) Church of Kenya, Africa in 2013, an honor to witness their love of God in praise. With the support of Jabez Outreach Ministries, JRR has been able to fix a much needed roof leak to their huts, supply bibles for teachings, shoes/clothing for the children, and so much more.
We know that the hand of God will continue to bless, lead and guide. We are a church that stand only on the word of God, teaching the people of his awesome gifts and power through faith and that everyone will discover their purpose. Strengthening families by encouraging all people to stand strong in their faith, even in the face of adversity, according to God's Word, so that a godly heritage will be passed from one generation to another with divine “Kingdom Connection”.
A church that is committed to demonstrate and walk in the love of God.